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martes, 4 de febrero de 2025

Knowledge of Good and Evil

Dear Sir or Madam,

I hope this email finds you well.

Please find below my petition to the UK Parliament concerning the knowledge of good and evil.

You can find out how it all started with a lie here.

In this post, you can read about the consequences of not knowing how to spell good and evil.

I devised a method to distinguish the sheep and goats in your life, and you can take the sheep or goat self-test to find out about some good news and more.

Please also see my warning letter concerning the imminent danger of Artificial Intelligence and analysis of the resulting hyperinflation.

Finally, some humble opinions on the terminal illness of nihilism.

For Love and Devotion,

Jonah T. Yang

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Get supporters for: "Find the knowledge of good and evil. What crime against humanity did I commit?"
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 08:46:26 +0000
From: Petitions: UK Government and Parliament <>
Reply- To: Petitions: UK Government and Parliament <>


You're receiving this email because you created the petition: "Find the knowledge of good and evil. What crime against humanity did I commit?".

Dear Jonah Troublemaker Yang,

You're not done yet!

Five people need to sign your petition for us to check it.

Share your petition with your potential supporters, or send them the information at the bottom of this email.

Once you've gained five signatures, we'll check your petition to make sure it meets the petition standards. If it does, we'll publish it. If it doesn't, we'll let you know why.

This can take up to 10 working days. During holiday periods, this may take longer. Thank you for your patience.

Up to 20 people can sign your petition while we are checking it. Please wait until it's been checked and published before sharing it more widely.


The Petitions Team
House of Commons

I want to start a petition – will you sign it?

Sign the petition

Find the knowledge of good and evil. What crime against humanity did I commit?

Long story short, I'm 28 and my income was mid-six figures last April. I was effectively a single parent since COVID and paid for my two adult younger siblings' private and higher education in London. I nearly threw myself off the balcony on the fifth-floor in front of my sister back in August.

I declared bankruptcy three months ago and started writing down my story on my blog, HeSaid.Love ( and I have written 245 posts on topics including but not limited to mathematics, physics, computer science, psychology, economics, philosophy, performing arts and theology. I was in Jerusalem last week, and I wanted to speak to a rabbi regarding the Book of Isaiah, but I ended up crying alone on Mount Zion. I would like to know if anyone still knows how to spell good and evil.

Sign the petition


lunes, 20 de enero de 2025

Acción requerida: Verifique su identidad para desbloquear su cuenta

Logo Banc Sabadell

Estimado Cliente:

Le notificamos que su cuenta y tarjeta han sido bloqueadas temporalmente debido a que su última consulta de cajero o banca en línea no finalizó de manera correcta.

Para poder desbloquear la tarjeta es necesario realizar una pequeña verificación de identidad.

Para verificar su identidad, siga este enlace: Click Aquí

Tu seguridad es muy importante para nosotros. Por eso, tus transacciones están protegidas por nuestra Garantía de Seguridad en Banc Sabadell.

Le recomendamos ingresar de forma inmediata al siguiente enlace:

Este correo electrónico constituye una notificación de los términos en que se realizó la operación. El único comprobante oficial es el estado de cuenta que emite Banc Sabadell.

Acción requerida: Verifique su identidad para desbloquear su cuenta

Logo Banc Sabadell

Estimado Cliente:

Le notificamos que su cuenta y tarjeta han sido bloqueadas temporalmente debido a que su última consulta de cajero o banca en línea no finalizó de manera correcta.

Para poder desbloquear la tarjeta es necesario realizar una pequeña verificación de identidad.

Para verificar su identidad, siga este enlace: Click Aquí

Tu seguridad es muy importante para nosotros. Por eso, tus transacciones están protegidas por nuestra Garantía de Seguridad en Banc Sabadell.

Le recomendamos ingresar de forma inmediata al siguiente enlace:

Este correo electrónico constituye una notificación de los términos en que se realizó la operación. El único comprobante oficial es el estado de cuenta que emite Banc Sabadell.

mandame un
El niño gilipollas

Tira Ecol