Desvariando Ando se ha movido permanentemente a una nueva ubicacion. Perdonen las molestias.
Si no haces click en el enlace, seras redirigido automaticamente en pocos segundos.

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Cummins Inc.Purchasing New Order

Hello axierruiz.desvariandoando,

How are you today,

We are Interested in buying your product.

Kindly send your company latest catalog and your best price list to us

Also confirm your company mode of payment.


Ms.Jane Mike

(Purchasing Dept.)

Cummins Inc.,
Box 3005, Columbus, IN 47202-3005

Tel: 1-800-286-6467

Bases de datos

Buenos días,

Tenemos a su disposición bases de datos de correos de diferentes segmentos:

-Ejecutivos de empresas

Usted nos indica el tipo de público al que se dirige y nosotros le conseguimos los correos.

Contamos con tecnología propia de localización de emails y bases de datos que actualizamos constantemente.

Atte Benito Avilés

Tel. +52 55 22218417
Cel./whatsapp +52 1 55 24130350

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020


Hello Owner,
I am detective Alessandro Signorino, Chief Airport Security Agency, Madrid-Barajas Adolfo Suбrez Airport Spain.
I hereby wish to inform you that we have recovered your inheritance payment/consignment (box) from criminal who is trying to redirect the delivery of your consignment to another address which totally different from yours.
This criminal stated that you gave him Authority To Change the delivery address to Charity Home because you are infected by Corona Virus Pandemic and you cannot survive, but as Detective I am, it written all over him that he is diverting the delivery of your consignment without your permission and we decided to contact you and confirm from you if you permitted him to redirect the delivery of your consignment or not before we can release him with your consignment.
Please are you aware of changing the delivery of your consignment (box) to another destination?
NOTE: this consignment (box) retrieved from the criminal during our last routine inspection and suspected to be banking instruments worth millions of United States Dollar notes in cash as indicated on the consignment papers.
Reply immediately we want to know if you authorized him to change the delivery of your consignment/box to another destination or not.
Get back to me.
Yours in service,
Detective Alessandro Signorino,
Chief Airport Security Agency,
Madrid-Barajas Adolfo Suбrez Airport Spain.
Official E-mail:


My name is Mr. MARTINS OBI.I work in the credit and  accounts department of STANDARD TRUST BANK PLC. I write you in respect of a foreign customer with Domicilliary A/C number 6402356789. His name is Engineer Dr. Mohamed Galaln. He was among those who died in an Egypt Air plane crash some time ago.
Since the demise of this our customer, Engineer Mohamed Galal, who was an oil merchant/contractor, I have kept a close watch of the deposit records and accounts and since then no body has come to claim the money in this a/c as next of kin to the late Engineer. He had only $20 mllion in his a/c and the a/c is coded. It is only an insider that could produce the code or password of the deposit particulars. As it stands now, there is nobody in that position to produce the needed information other than my very self considering my position in the bank.
Based on the reason that nobody has come forward to claim the deposit as next of kin since 5 years ago, I hereby ask for your co operation in using your name as the next of kin to the deceased to send these funds out to a foreign offshore bank a/c for mutual sharing between myself and you. At this point I am the only one with the information because I have removed the deposit file from the safe . By so doing, what is required of you is to send an aplication laying claims of the deposit as next of kin to the late Engineer. I will need your full name and address telephone/fax number,company and residential address, So that i can computerize them  totally with next of kin column in the certificate of deposit.
Finally i want you to understand that the request for a foreigner as the next of kin is occassioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and for that reason alone, a local can not represent as next of  kin. When you contact me, then we shall discuss on how the money will be split between us and how i will invest my share in your country as i am planning to resign from my work and come over immediately the fund is transffered into any account you will present for this deal.
please keep this utmost secret and  kindly reply TO THIS EMAIL ADDRES IF YOU ARE WILLING.THE SHARING PATERN IS 40 PERCENT FOR YOU WHILE 60 PERCENT FOR ME.  ( ) Trusting to hear from you,
I remain Respectfully yours,

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Crutec Co., Ltd. New Order Products Needed

Hello axierruiz.desvariandoando,

How are you today,

We are Interested in buying your product.Kindly send your company latest catalog and your best price list.

Also confirm your company mode of payment.


Bong Jun, Namkung

(Purchasing Dept.)
Crutec Co., Ltd.
36-1, Geumhwa-ro 627 beon-gil,
Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do,
Republic of Korea.
Tel: +82-(0)31-316-2117

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Yo con mucho gusto acepté ayudarles.

Hola, el viernes pasado estuve dando un curso a un grupo de emprendedores que desean saber
cómo llevar su negocio al internet. La gran parte de estos emprendedores ya tienen un negocio
funcionando. Aunque con la pandemia algunos han tenido que cerrar y, urgentemente, necesitan
reinventarse y generar ingresos con su negocio pero ahora usando el internet.

Uno de ellos me pidió si les podía dar un curso relacionado a cómo comenzar su negocio, ahora
digital. Y yo con mucho gusto acepté ayudarles.

Me llamó mucho la atención las ganas que tienen para lograr resultados. No cabe duda que ya son
emprendedores que no se detienen por enfrentarse a una nueva realidad. Muchos de ellos ya estaban
teniendo resultados en sus negocios, y algunos tenían negocios bien rentables fuera del
internet. Pero ahora está dispuestos a hacer lo necesario, y a invertir lo necesario también,
para que su negocio crezca, pero ahora usando el internet.

Entrenamiento Gratis

Con ese tipo de personas me encanta trabajar. Ya que muchas veces me he topado con personas que
dicen que están listas para comenzar, y que si les doy el super descuento que necesitan sí
entrarán y tendrán éxito. Y me ha pasado que cuando les digo, "ok, te voy a dar el descuento
que me pides pero comencemos HOY MISMO", me responden que sí, pero luego se desaparecen y
nunca vuelven a insistir. ¡Qué decepción! De esa gente la verdad he encontrado muchas veces y
la verdad ya no pierdo tiempo con ellos.

Me gusta enfocarme en los que sí están dispuestos a pagar el precio del éxito. A los que
saben que los negocios digitales no se trata de un botón mágico que con solo apretarlo tendrán
Es por eso que les di este curso con mucho gusto, y estoy seguro que de ahí saldrán algunos que
tendrán mucho éxito en cuestión de unos meses.

Porque lo difícil de un negocio digital, no es si sabes o no de tecnología, lo difícil es que te
creas que eres capaz de lograrlo pase lo que pase, así falles muchas veces, terminarás teniendo
éxito, siempre y cuando no te detengas.

Entrenamiento Gratis

Ese tipo de gente son de los míos, con ellos me encanta trabajar, porque me motivan a
seguir adelante también a mí!

Dime, tú eres uno de los míos? uno de los emprendedores o emprendedoras que no se detienen a
pesar de la adversidad? a pesar de la pandemia? a pesar de que las cosas no sean mágicas?

Esa es la gente con la que me encanta trabajar!!

Si deseas ponerte en contacto conmigo responde a este email

Entrenamiento Gratis

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